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Mighty's Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day Panel: Sharing Stories and Raising Awareness

March 25, 2021

By [Your Name]

On March 25, 2021, I had the honor of joining comedian Zach Anner and Mighty editor Karin Willison as a panelist for The Mighty's Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day event. The prospect of speaking so publicly about topics I've only felt brave enough to discuss for a few years felt daunting, especially considering the caliber of my fellow panelists, who are both renowned disability advocates.

However, I was driven by a deep desire to share my story and experiences, and to connect with others who may be going through similar challenges. I knew that speaking openly about my own experiences with cerebral palsy and disability could help break down barriers and create a more inclusive society. I also wanted to show others that it is possible to live a fulfilling and meaningful life, regardless of disability.

The panel discussion was a powerful and moving experience. We shared our personal journeys, our triumphs, and our struggles. We talked about the importance of representation, inclusion, and accessibility. We also discussed the challenges that people with disabilities face every day, and the need for continued advocacy and support.

The response to the panel was overwhelmingly positive. I received countless messages from people who said that my story had inspired them, given them hope, and made them feel less alone. It was an incredibly humbling and rewarding experience to know that I had made a difference in the lives of others.

I am grateful to The Mighty for providing a platform for people with disabilities to share their stories and raise awareness. I am also grateful to Zach Anner and Karin Willison for sharing their insights and experiences. Together, we hope to continue to break down barriers and create a more inclusive society for all.
